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Monday, May 23, 2011

Laying Out a Plan

I will obviously post information about the pregnancy, baby, job, life, etc as time goes on... But I have a few ideas about things to post each day...

Sunday Scripture - There are several options for where this may come from. I may post something that I thought was impactful from church. I may post something from one of the Bible studies that I am working through. I may post something from some reading that I am doing. Who knows... But it will have something to do with church, the Bible, or God...

Monday Menus - I will post a weeks worth of menus that I will be making. I will post recipes and shopping lists. I will post a weekly calendar of the meals that will be served. The idea is that I will prepare these meals at one point during the week, and then put the meals in containers. This will make it easier for me to eat breakfast, pack lunches, and prepare dinner.

Tackle It Tuesday - I will post two different things to tackle each week. The first thing I will post is a cleaning project. I am using several cleaning calendars and blogs to help stay clean and organized. The cleaning/organizing project should last between 15 minutes and two hours. This project should be completed on Tuesday. I will do my best to post before and after pictures. I will also post a craft project that I envy. I may or may not attempt the project, but it will be something that I would someday like to try. I will do my best to post pictures, links, and step-by-step instructions for completing the project.

What Would You Buy Wednesday - I will spotlight the top ten things I would like to purchase. I will try to be reasonable with money in mind. I will post a picture, a link, a description, and the reason I would like to buy each item.

Thursday Thoughts - This is kind of my free-be post each week... This post could be a quote and my reflections, a product review, or my thoughts on a controversial issue. I could choose to post a list (of my choice), a link-up, or answer questions and comments from readers (YOU!).

Friday Faves - I will post about some of my favorite things. There will most likely be no rhyme or reason to the items in this post. Typically there will be no weekly theme, but rather a collection of my favorites.

Saturday Successes - I think it is important to rejoice in small successes throughout the week. I think that looking at things in a positive light will help me lead a more positive, happy life. There is so much to celebrate, but sometimes it is easy to get bogged down in the negativity of the world. Every Saturday, I will write about celebrations, successes, and positive things that have happened in the past week.

Please remember... This is my plan. I will do my best to stay on track. Hopefully this blog will also be full of pregnancy updates and information about the baby after he is born. I hope this plan will help me to become a more organized person and a successful blogger!

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